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Stop Bailiffs From Taking Your Car 

Has your car been clamped or are you worried it might be? Don’t panic, help is available! 

Contact Bailiff Advice now to see how we can stop enforcement action and protect your vehicle. Act fast before it’s too late!
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May not be suitable in all circumstances. Our advice is free but fees may apply and your credit rating may be affected if you opt for a debt solution.

What do we do?

We speak with the Creditor for you
We have a team of experienced, professional case workers ready to speak and mediate with your creditor. We will help represent you with your local authority or creditor and stop Bailiff Action.
Arrange an affordable repayment plan
Let us help you get on board an affordable repayment plan between you and your council or creditor.
Prevent further visits from the bailiff
You are not obligated to let anyone into your home. We could help to stop bailiffs from visiting your home. 
Write-off unaffordable unsecured debts and fees
We provide advice and mediate with your local council and creditor to write off unsecured debts and freeze and interest and charges.

Take these essential steps

Do NOT let them in
You are not obliged to let anyone into your home, so don't.
Do NOT be intimidated
You do not have to speak to the bailiffs and do not respond to intimidation.
Do NOT sign anything
Do not sign anything a bailiff or bailiff company puts in front of you.
Contact Bailiff Advice
We can stop bailiffs in their tracks and help you to write off unaffordable debts with an IVA.

Types of debts we deal with

Council Tax Arrears
If you've missed a Council Tax payment, your local authority can apply for a liability order the through courts. This will give the council the right to send bailiffs to collect the debt.
High Court Enforcement
A High Court enforcement officer (HCEO) is an officer of the High Court of England and Wales responsible for enforcing judgements of the High Court, often by seizing goods or repossessing property.
Penalty Charge Notice
As well as for parking, you can get a PCN for: breaking some traffic rules, for example going against a 'no right turn' sign or driving in a bus lane. not paying the charge for the London congestion zone, low emission zone or Dartford Crossing (Dart Charge) on time.
Utility Arrears
If one or more payments have been missed in where regular payments are contractually needed, like electricity bills, the account is in arrears, and could be subject to Bailiffs Action.
You might have a county court judgment (CCJ) against you if you owe someone money and a court ruled that you have to pay it back. Your credit rating could be affected if you have a CCJ against you.
Notice Of Enforcement
If you haven't paid a debt you might be sent a letter from bailiffs (also called 'enforcement agents') saying they will visit your home to collect payment. Don't ignore the letter - this is called a 'notice of enforcement'.

Speak to our team now for assistance 

Call Today 0800 001 6542 Lines open Monday-Friday 9am-7pm or apply online for an instant response
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May not be suitable in all circumstances. Our advice is free but fees may apply and your credit rating may be affected if you opt for a debt solution.

Help you can trust...

In arrears with Council Tax?

Bailiff Advice is here to help. We provide expert confidential advice, get rid of bailiffs, mediate with your local council or creditor and create affordable repayment plans for your outstanding council tax debt.

We help people go on living without the burden or fear of being in arrears to the council and bailiffs. Our team are experienced, professionals ready to help you deal with intimidating bailiffs.

Get help on bailiff action today.

We have helped hundreds of people just like you.

If you owe money to your local council and they have threatened bailiff action, speak to us and we can get you on the road to paying off your council tax arrears today.

Know Your Rights

Bailiffs cannot break in unless they have been given permission to do so by the court.

if you allow a bailiff to enter your home, they can force entry on their next visit.

You have a right to take advice regarding bailiff action.

Affordable Payments

Bailiffs cannot break in unless they have been given permission to do so by the court.

If you allow a bailiff into your home, they can force entry on their next visit.

You have the right to take advice regarding bailiff action.

You should not have to pay more than you can afford. You have the right to work with Bailiff Advice to set up affordable monthly repayments and eliminate your Bailiffs debts.

Some of the Bailiffs we’ve stopped

What our Clients say

We can help to clear debt and Stop Bailiffs
